Também guardamos pedras aqui | Supersônica

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Também guardamos pedras aqui

of Luiza Romão

available here


In Também guardamos pedras aqui, poet, actress and slammer Luiza Romão returns to Homer’s Iliad and re-reads it in light of the present time. The poems in this book focus on the Trojan War and its famous characters, retelling the event and subverting the Greek version immortalized in Homer’s work. By demonstrating how “Western literature began with a massacre,” the book draws interesting parallels with the present day.


A poet, actress and slammer, Luiza Romão is the author of the books Sangria (selo doburro), "Também guardamos pedras aqui" (Editora Nós, winner of the Jabuti Prize for Best Poetry Book and Book of the Year; and a semi-finalist for the Oceanos Prize) and "Nadine" (Editora Quelônio). She has a bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts and a master’s degree in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature from the University of São Paulo (USP). Romão researches poetry in performance.

author Luiza Romão

A poet, actress and slammer, Luiza Romão is the author of the books Sangria (selo doburro), "Também guardamos pedras aqui" (Editora Nós, winner of the Jabuti Prize for Best Poetry Book and Book of the Year; and a semi-finalist for the Oceanos Prize) and "Nadine" (Editora Quelônio). She has a bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts and a master’s degree in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature from the University of São Paulo (USP). Romão researches poetry in performance.

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